My Muddy Shoes
Club News and Updates

Hey Mud Chuckers and Forest Joggers,
Looks like we are going to be tested on Saturday. To say it’s going to be hot is an understatement but there are ways to prepare and safely get some miles in. Of course, we’ll be running in the morning, so we’ll beat the high heat of the day but we’ll still feel it. We’re looking at a run time temp of 77 degrees with a real feel of 81. Yeah, I know, that’s not pleasant but, hey, it is Summer in D.C.
So, here are some suggestions of how to prepare for running in the heat:
- Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
- Include a source for electrolyte replacement (Heed, Nuun, S-Caps, etc.)
- Slow down! This is not a race. No one cares if you finish the run first.
- Reduce mileage! No need for a distance PR today.
- Run naked! Apparently, this is a thing, but we don’t need to see that!
OK, well 4 out of 5 will do!
We’ll have ice-cold drinks, snacks and fans back at the lot for after-run replenishment. Bring a camp chair and dry clothes for the post-run mingle.
Right, then! Announcements, then details:
- 2024 marks the 10-year anniversary of Muddy Shoes? Yup, ten years ago we had our first run. To mark the occasion, we will be getting commemorative swag to celebrate. Stay tuned. Save your money! T-shirts are coming?!
- Save the Date! July 27th! The Annual Muddy Shoes Summer Phat Ass on the trails of Seneca Lake! Great run followed by an awesome pot luck post-run mingle. Muddy Shoes provides burgers, dogs and tater tots. Currently in discussion with a local MoCo brewery to supply some liquid refreshment to each thirsty participant! 10$ runner cover fee. More details to come! Stay tuned!
- We have swag! Muddy Shoes Baseball caps (a mere $15), Buffs ($10) and Reusable Cups ($5). See Coach Phil or Coach Mike (Chau)
Ok, details for Saturday morning:
Location: Lake Frank from Avery Road parking lot
Address: 15211 Avery Road, Derwood, MD 20855
Date: 22 June 2024
Time: 0730
Course: Counter-clockwise across dam on Lakeside Trail to out-and-back on Sunfish Trail. Back to Lakeside Trail up to Muncaster Road. Cross creek on shoulder. Hop over guard rail to Muncaster Mill Trail (Notice ruins of the actual Muncaster Mill on your immediate right). Take Muncaster Mill Trail to a left back onto Lakeside Trail to parking lot.
Distance: Prolly around 10k. It will be a drop back day.
Pace: Slow, Fast and In-between; all are welcome!
Vibe: Chill
Muddy Shoes

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