My Muddy Shoes
Club News and Updates

Attention Trail Slappers, Root Kickers, Rock Smackers and Forest Joggers!
This week, by request, we are hitting the Seneca Greenway and Goshen Branch Trails starting up at Log House Road and heading South. This run is always a treat. The trail is beautiful! Temps will be low 70’s but there will humidity so hydrate starting NOW!!! We’ll have water out on the course and snackeroos and post-run mingling back at the parking lot as usual. Hope 2 C U there!
OK, announcements then details:
- OY!!!! It’s getting closer, the 7th Annual Muddy Shoes Summer Phat Ass on the trails of Seneca Lake is on July 27th! Great run followed by an awesome pot luck post-run mingle. Muddy Shoes provides burgers, dogs and tater tots. Currently in discussion with a local MoCo brewery to supply some liquid refreshment to each thirsty participant! More details to come! Check out 7th Annual Summer Fatass on FB to let us know you are going to attend.
- Did I mention that 2024 marks the 10 year anniversary of Muddy Shoes? Yup, ten years ago we had our first run. Things have kinda taken off since then! We’ll be getting some commemorative swag to celebrate. Stay tuned. Save up your money! T-shirts are coming?!
- We have swag! Muddy Shoes Baseball caps (a mere $15), Buffs ($10) and Reusable Cups ($5). See Coach Phil or Coach Mike (Chau)
Ok, details for Saturday:
Location: Log House Road Trail Head
Address: 23521-23599 Log House Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20882
Date: 29 June 2024
Time: 0730
Distance: 12 ½ mile out and back; go shorter or longer if you like!
Pace: You pick. We have all paces, including walkers.
Vibe: M-e-l-l-o-w. This is not a race.
Muddy Shoes

Welcome back Trail Runners!!
Hi there you crazy Mud Peoples! It’s been quite a while since I have posted a group trail run for mymuddyshoes and I’m excited to see you all out...
MCRRC’s Winter Trails program Zoom event with Ultrarunner Extraordinaire Michael Wardian
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***Outta the Way Cafe Doing Curbside Takeout>>>
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Muddy Shoes COVID-19 Hiatus
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Muddy Shoes Bald Eagle Spotting Trail Run @ Meadowside Saturday A.M.
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