by MuddyShoesPeter | Jul 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Our annual summer fatass race is upon us! Please check out the link below for details & RSVP if you are coming! The 3rd Annual Bobwhite Fatass Trail Run &...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Jun 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hey there MyMuddyShoes people! Phil will not be at our run this weekend so I’ll be your leader (from the rear) again. We will do a loop from Riley’s Lock Northbound on the Seneca Greenway Trail to the Rt 28 Trailhead, turn Right on Rt 28 and run the 1500...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Jun 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hey muddy summer trails people! Since Phil is off enjoying his Father’s Day weekend 50k experience I’ll be your guide for one of our more “swtichy” trails. The Seneca Ridge. We’ll start at our normal spot on Rifleford Rd and head...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Feb 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Have you been outside yet today? The weather is gorgeous. Why not come out and do a few miles on the Redland trail to remind of what it will be like in just a few short weeks? Hopefully it will stay on the milder side of things for the remainder of the time we have...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Feb 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hey folks – sorry for the late notice. Gretchen & Phil are out of town and left me to “lead” the run tonight. I won’t be going too far myself but I’ll be there until you get back regardless. We’ll head south tonight, I plan...