Yo, Forest Joggers!
We are heading into the first 3-day weekend of the season! Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kick-off to Summer. Pools open, schools start closing and the temps and humidity start rising. Funny thing is the trails are open all year! Everything pretty much went from dull brown to lush green in the blink of an eye. Nature is awake. Time to enjoy. And that’s just what we are going to do.
This Saturday we’ll be hitting the single track of the Seneca Greenway starting at Watkins Mill H.S. and heading South into Seneca Creek State Park (turn around at the lake). This will be roughly 12.7 miles round trip. You’ll be home in time to fire up the grill!
As usual, announcements then the details:
- Did I mention that 2024 marks the 10-year anniversary of Muddy Shoes? Yup, ten years ago we had our first run. To mark the occasion, we will be getting some commemorative swag to celebrate. Stay tuned. Save your money! T-shirts are coming?!
- Save the Date! July 27th! The Annual Muddy Shoes Summer Phat Ass on the trails of Seneca Lake! Great run followed by an awesome pot luck post-run mingle. Muddy Shoes provides burgers, dogs and tater tots. Currently in discussion with a local MoCo brewery to supply some liquid refreshment to each thirsty participant! More details to come! Stay tuned!
- We have swag! Muddy Shoes Baseball caps (a mere $15), Buffs ($10) and Reusable Cups ($5). See Coach Phil or Coach Mike (Chau)
Ok, run details:
Location: Watkins Mill H.S.
Address: 10301 Apple Ridge Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Date: 25 May 2024
Time: 0730
Caltopo: https://caltopo.com/m/8KHEC (does not include last half mile)
Distance: Roughly 12.7 miles round trip (feel free to do shorter or longer)
Pace: Slow, fast and In-between; all are welcome!
Vibe: Chill
Muddy Shoes