My Muddy Shoes
Club News and Updates
Hey Trail Joggers,
Guess what! As you read this you’re probably glancing at the thermometer and thinking “It’s a scorcher”! And, indeed it is. But…by Saturday a.m. the heat will give us a reprieve right in time for our jaunt through the woods. I think we should all chip in and get Mother Nature a gift card or something cuz she’s been very, very good to us so far this year. We all know the motivation-crushing heat and humidity will eventually get here (next week?) but for now…trail bliss. Come out and enjoy!
This week we will head down-county towards the river. It will be a loop course starting along the canal at Violette’s Lock. The loop will take us up through the Blockhouse Point Trails and on down to Pennyfield Lock where you pick up the canal and head back up to the start. Beautiful trails with a small bit of elevation.
Yup, so, announcements then details:
- 2024 marks the 10-year anniversary of Muddy Shoes? Yup, ten years ago we had our first run. To mark the occasion, we will be getting commemorative swag to celebrate. Stay tuned. Save your money! T-shirts are coming?!
- Save the Date! July 27th! The Annual Muddy Shoes Summer Phat Ass on the trails of Seneca Creek State Park! Great run followed by an awesome potluck post-run mingle. Muddy Shoes provides burgers, dogs and tater tots. Currently in discussion with a local MoCo brewery to supply some liquid refreshment to each thirsty participant! More details to come! Stay tuned!
- We always have Muddy Shoes swag!Baseball caps (a mere $15), Buffs ($10) and Reusable Cups ($5). See Coach Phil or Coach Mike (Chau)
Ok, details for this Saturday:
Location: Violette’s Lock (C&O Canal Lock 23)
Address: 13001 Violettes Lock Rd, Darnestown, MD 20874
Date: 15 June 2024
Time: 0730
Course: Loop is 6.4 miles. Recommend two loops for ~12.5-13 miles
Pace: Slow, Fast and In-between; all are welcome!
Vibe: Chill
Muddy Shoes

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