by MuddyShoesPeter | Feb 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hi Hi – Phil is enjoying the Winter Olympics so much that he’s decided to go out to Colorado & try some of the events out personally! Be careful, they look dangerous & might derail any running plans you have 🙂 For the rest of us here in MoCo...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Jan 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Is everyone ready for a run that doesn’t sting your face when you run? The forecast is about 37 degrees w/ very little winds & clear skies. Quite the change from the past 2 weeks. I read that yesterday was the first day above 35 since Christmas. So with...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Dec 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Hi – i’m canceling this run (didn’t get anyone say they would actually be showing up) but also it’s REALLY windy & I’m thinking it’s best to not go out & run this morning. Have a great morning everyone and I’ll see...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Dec 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Winter solstice run tonight! We pay homage to the Druids! Come join us at Cabin John for the longest night of the year run. (Ours will not be longer than usual, but the night will.) Where? Meet at Cabin John Tennis and Nature Center parking lot, right turn off...
by MuddyShoesPeter | Dec 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
With our PhearLess Leader Phil out of town this week, I’ll be heading the run tonight (from the back of the pack). I’m sure everyone needs to get some miles in before the holiday weekend and if you are traveling later this week or can’t make the...