Spring Sprung Trail Run – Needwood

I’m confused! We had the Equinox. The Druids have gone home. The daffodils are almost done and its still feels like Winter. Not that I mind that. More potential for mud! Thats what why we do this. Let me here ya say ‘Yeah’! <sound of crickets> OK, well, speakin’ for myself then. BUT, Tuesday are trail days and we will run regardless. We have packed our headlamps away and moved venues to Needwood. Time to re-explore Parilla Path , Blue Jay Loop, Troll Trail and the infamous Beaver Tale Trail. So strap on those stinkin’ trailies and lets have a go.

Details, details:

NEW LOCATION!!! 15679 Needwood Lake Cir, Derwood, MD GPS Coordinates: 39.114637, -77.127564
Time: 6:30 (6:15 for warm-up)
Course: We will run around the lake counter-clockwise going over the dam and up to Needwood Road, out on Troll Trail (have to get around the fencew there) down other side on Wildcat then up and over to Blue Jay Loop and back to parking lot for hill repeats on Potty Hill! Woo Woo!

C U Lambies there ( it will be Baaaaaad-Ass)
Muddy Shoes