Hey There, Trailies,
So, when are they going to make Trail Running an official Olympic sport? I mean, if Break Dancing or skate boarding can get you a medal, then plowing through streams, mud, rocks, roots and the occasional patch of poison ivy should too! Are ya with me, Forest Joggers? I mean we’ve all splashed through creeks as fast as Katie Ledecky doing the 100 meter back stroke and we’ve all (at least I have) taken some tumbles that make Simone look like an amateur on the floor routine. Granted those tumbles were unintentional, but as equally dramatic from my view. Just need to work on sticking a landing that doesn’t include my face, knees or ribs. I guess we just keep training and maybe someday…
But I digress. It’s almost Saturday and we are ready to hit the trails, gold medal or not!
This week we head on down to Wheaton to hit the trails of the Regional Park and Northwest Branch. Haven’t been here since Winter Trails so we’re overdue. Weather won’t be fun but we’ll have stuff to cool you down afterwards.
So, announcements, then details:
· T-SHIRTS! T-SHIRTS! T-SHIRTS! Get’em while they’re hot! The 10-Year Anniversary shirts are flying off the shelves! Very comfortable uni-sex moisture-wicking shirts that fit true-to-size with a custom design (Thanks to KLD Design https://www.kld-design.com) on the front and one of our Muddy Shoes mantras on the back. What are ya waiting for? These shirts aren’t gonna order themselves!
Ok, details for Saturday:
Location: Lake Wheaton Regional Park
Address: 2000 Shorefield Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Date: 3 August 2024
Time: 0730
Caltopo: https://caltopo.com/m/H70B3
Distance: 11.5 miles
Pace: Fast, slow and in-between
Vibe: Chill…actually, sweaty. Yup, sweaty.
Muddy Shoes