Hey Mud Chuckers and Forest Joggers,
Ready for some trail therapy?! Should be a good evening for it. Extreme heat and humidity are taking a break although there is a chance of a thunder boomer. We’ll see. Weather peeps around here seem to be guessing half the time anyway. So, we should get the run in. Hope to C U there!
First announcements then run details:
· 7th Annual Muddy Shoes Summer Fatass is coming up on Saturday July 27th. Great run followed by an awesome pot luck post-run mingle. Muddy Shoes provides burgers, dogs and tater tots. Sign up at the 7th Annual Summer Fatass page on FB.
· T-SHIRTS! T-SHIRTS! T-SHIRTS! Get’em while they’re hot! The 10-Year Anniversary shirts are flying off the shelves! Very comfortable uni-sex moisture-wicking shirts that fit true-to-size with a custom design (Thanks to KLD Design https://www.kld-design.com) on the front and one of our Muddy Shoes mantras on the back. What are ya waiting for? These shirts aren’t gonna order themselves!
Ok, details for this evening:
Location: Lake Needwood (Hiker/Biker Trail parking Lot)
Address: 15700 Needwood Lake Circle, Derwood, MD 20855
Date: 23 July 2024
Time: Warm up at 6 p.m. Run starts at 6:15
Course: Counter-Clockwise. Up East side and out on Blue Jay Loop. Back up on Needwood Trail (by Archery Range) and onto Mudcat out to Needwood Rd. Cross Lake and Out-and-Back on Troll Trail. Then down Westside Trail, across dam and back to parking lot.
Caltopo: https://caltopo.com/m/FFJUP
Distance: 6.75 miles with warm-up (feel free to do shorter or longer)
Pace: Fast, slow and in-between
Vibe: Chill…actually, sweaty. Yup, sweaty.
Muddy Shoes