Wassup, Trail Doggies!

Looks like Mother Nature is giving us a break with the torrid temps we’ve suffered through the last couple of days. Might not even hit 80 today. It will still be humid and possibly a bit damp but beggars can’t be choosers. We’ll take it!

Couple of announcement things:

  • People have been asking if we will continue our Saturday runs (Muddy Shoes Summer Trail Series) now that the Fat Ass is done. The answer is “YES!” Keep an eye out for the weekly announcements but we will do them every Saturday up to October when we (Muddy Shoes) host the Stone Mill 50 Miler Course Preview Runs and the Phantastic Phall Phat Ass (Yay, Robin!)
  • Mark your trail running calendars for the Groovin’ Woodstock 7K XC race on 14 August. Here’s the link to sign up to run or volunteer. https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/groovin-woodstock-7k-xc-2022/ Our one and only Coach Gretchen presides as the Race Director for this one. It’s a throwback to the 60’s!

OK. Details for this evening:

Location: Lake Needwood

Address: 15700 Needwood Lake Circle (parking lot by the Hiker-Biker Trail head)

Coords: 39.114925, -77.127917

Date: 26 July 2022

Time: Warm Up Mile 6 p.m. Main run 6:15

Course: Clockwise; Across the dam to Parilla Path , crossover lake on Needwood Rd. then out-n-back on Beaver Tale Trail and back down East side of lake, hill repeats on Potty Hill.

Distance: 5.5-6-ish miles with warm-up (feel free to do shorter or longer)

Pace: Slow, Fast and In-between; all are welcome!

Vibe: Chill

Hope to C U there cuz these trails ain’t gonna run themselves!


Muddy Shoes