Hey Trail Dogs,

One thing I like about trail running is it makes you hungry. I mean, REALLY hungry. After hitting the trails I love having a great excuse to shove carbs down the ole pie hole. Yup, burgers, pierogies, wings, steak’n’cheese samiches, etc. all guilt-free (…or at least semi-guilt free!) Luckily, we have a great place to re-load carbs after our run, The Outta the Way Café is just up the road and we’ll be headed there post-run for Nom-Noms. Yesssss!

Oh BTW, we are running first (almost forgot to mention that!)

OK, details:

Location: Lake Needwood

Address: 15700 Needwood Lake Circle (parking lot by the Hiker-Biker Trail head)

Coords: 39.114925, -77.127917

Date: 21 June 2022

Time: Warm Up Mile 6 p.m. Main run 6:15

Course: Counter-Clockwise; Up East side of lake to Blue Jay Loop, crossover lake on Needwood Rd. then out-n-back on Troll Trail and back down West side of lake, hill repeats on Adie’s Hill and then back to parking lot.

Distance: 6-6.5-ish miles with warm-up (feel free to do shorter or longer)

Pace: Slow, Fast and In-between; all are welcome!

Vibe: Chill

Outta The Way Cafe Address: 17503 Redland Rd, Derwood, MD 20855

Hope to C U there cuz these trails ain’t gonna run themselves!


Muddy Shoes