Hey Folks,

I’m back from the Deep South — 90 miles from Cuba! Running is on tonight at Cabin John! But not chasing the gypsy roosters of Key West! We have our beloved tall trees, spring flowers and growing green haze. So much nicer than paved over Miami with spikes of high rises and only a few palm trees! I’m looking forward to our woods tonight with mymuddyshoes . How about you?

Details: We gather at 6pm at Cabin John Tennis and Nature Center parking lot, right turn off Democracy Blvd going west from 270. If you miss it and reach Seven Locks Rd, do two u-turns and come back. We’ll start with a small warm-up and circle back to pick up any late-comers—let us know you are coming!

Then tonight the run is south!! Followed by our Tailgate party.

Come join the fun!!

All speeds welcome.

