Hey All,

I meant to get this out last night but since it’s still dark I’m going to say I made it!

Our run this Saturday is 12ish miles out-n-back on Greenway south from Watkins Mill HS. Remember that when we get to Route 355 you have to turn left and run down the sidewalk for a hundred yards or so before hopping over the guardrail to pick up the trail again and cross under the road. Then just continue on Greenway (at one point it becomes Long Draught), past Clopper Road,  until just before you hit Seneca Creek State Park where you’ll turn around. Feel free to go further or shorter. There will be water at 355 and of course we have snacks back at home base for when you get back to Watkins Mill. I’m on the hunt for more dill pickle cashews and I have also discovered that peanut butter Chex cereal makes an awesome trail snack. Of course, it’s also hard to find. Come out and run – it’s going to be a beautiful day! 


When: Saturday, April 23 @ 7:30
Where: Watkins Mill HS 

Address: 10301 Apple Ridge Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Route Map: