Hey Muddy Shoes Faithful,
Based on the health guidance we (the public) have been receiving coupled with a good dose of common sense I have decided to curtail ALL Muddy Shoes running activities until it is safe to resume. This includes Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings.
One thing to remember, though, you can still go out and run trails. In fact even the CDC advice says that exercise is still highly encouraged. Just do it by yourself or with a friend or two practicing social distancing. Check out the Trail Locations file in our Files section and you can possibly discover some single-track here in MoCo that you haven’t been on before.
So I’m still going to be off in the woods and getting my normal miles in. I’ll just be by myself. Being an introvert, I am actually psyched! Maybe I’ll see you out there! Just keep your distance!~ Please feel free to post on the Facebook page with pertinent articles, antidotes and pics.
Cheers from six feet away!
Muddy Shoes