Wassup Trail Doggies! Say, how’s that New Years resolution workin’ for ya? Thought so. But, I must say, if you come join us on Tuesday Evening Trails you can start a mid-January resolution to run trails all year! It could happen! Well, if that’s the case then you’ll need these details:

Location: Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Road Derwood MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side)

Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438

Headlamp: YES!

Time: 6:30 (warm up at 6:15)

Distance: ~ 5 with warm up

Course: We’ll goCounter- Clock-wise-Lower Trail first.

Pace: All, we have walkers, really fast runners and everything in between. Hope to C U all there!

Cheers, Muddy