Turkey time is almost here! Prepare for gluttony! Prepare for the Feast! Save your guilt for later! Better yet, come hit the trails with us Muddy Shoes turkeys on Tuesday and earn that slice of pumpkin pie or that extra heap’o’mashed potatoes and pre-empt the guilt! I mean, that’s part of why we run, so we can eat what we want, right? I know it figures in to my equation. But enough of da blah, blah. Just come run.
Here are the delicious details:
Location: Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Road Derwood MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side)
Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438
Headlamp: YES!
Time: 6:30 (warm up at 6:15)
Distance: ~ 5 with warm up
Course: We’ll go Clock-wise-Upper Trail first.
C U There!
Muddy Shoes