Tuesday Evening Trails @ on the Trails of Redland!
Well, after that awesome Phall Phat Ass Robin honchoed yesterday it will be great to re-visit part of the course. The down side is that there were reports of vagrant dinosaurs on the trail. Hope we won’t run into T-Rex out there but if you do make sure you are running with someone slower so they get eaten! Actually, I believe it might have gone into hibernation. We should be OK.
Here are the details:
Location: Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Road Derwood MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side)
Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438
Headlamp: YES!
Time: 6:30 (warm up at 6:15)
Distance: ~ 5 with warm up
Course: We’ll go Counter-Clock-wise-Lower Trail first.
C U There,
Muddy Shoes