Tuesday Evening Trails @ Redland M.S. & Outta The Way Cafe

Great night to hit the luscious trails of Redland in the dark and then hit the Outta the Way Cafe to celebrate! Yes… celebrate! We have several things that are worth a shout…the Grand Canyon runners are back…there are several birthdays (Gretchen, Shannon and Adie) and the Nats are in the World Series!!! WOOT WOOT! Lets do this!

Details: Location:

Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Road Derwood MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side)

Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438

Headlamp: YES!

Time: 6:30 (warm up at 6:15)

Distance: ~ 5 with warm up)

Course: We’ll go anti-clock-wise-Lower Trail first

Okie-Dokie, Pokie!

C U There!

Cheers, Muddy Shoes