It’s Two for Tuesday on the trails of Redland. Of course. We only have two trails in Redland – the Upper and the Lower Trail. Love them both. I used the official Muddy Shoes weed-whacker to give them a manicure and haircut yesterday so we are good to go! Weather will be scrumptious…like a pumpkin spiced latte…actually I find those gross but that’s just me. Anyway, bring a headlamp. Its dark in them thar woods. There are some chicken-Of-The-Woods mushrooms blooming in great quantity on the trail. Bring a baggie if you want to take some home. I’ll point them out to anyone who is interested. Yum.
OK, details: Location: Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Road Derwood MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side)
Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438
Headlamp: YES!
Time: 6:30 (warm up at 6:15) Distance: ~ 5 with warm up)
Course: We’ll go clock-wise-Upper Trail first
Okie-Dokie, Pokie!
C U There! Cheers, Muddy Shoes