Stone Mill 50 Miler Course Preview Numero Uno (#1)

Hey Stone Millers and other assorted and sundry Trail Dogs and Tree Slappers,

That time of year where we get out and get a good look-see of the Stone Mill 50 Course. Throughout the Saturdays of October we will convene at various trailheads and run sections of the course itself. These runs are brought to you by My Muddy Shoes (Applause! Applause!) the local MoCo trail group. This year, of course, Stone Mill 50 turns 10! Congrats to Race Director Extroadinaire, Sir Barry Hauptman (Much louder applause and some shouting!). It is also the RRCA Regional 50 Miler Championship Race! Amazing recognition!

Anyway, we will provide post-run nom-nomsas well as water out on the trail. We don’t charge anything (Free!) but donations are readily and happily 🙂 accepted. That keeps us holding runs through out the year. We will also have Muddy Merch for sale (Pssst, holidays are coming!) Hats, Buffs and magnets. U.S. Dollars only!

Here are the details:
Location: Stedwick Elementary School 10631 Stedwick Rd, Montgomery Village, MD 20886 Coords: 39.174287, -77.211183
When: Saturday 5th October
Time: 0730
Distance: 19-ish but folks can do what they want to Description: The run will take you from the school onto Stedwick Rd. for a short bit then left on Watkins Road (yeah, its pavement, but only for a short bit) over to the Seneca Greenway trailhead where you get back on dirt heading South to Clopper Lake. Go around lake down to Riffle Ford and back.
Feel free to bring a snack to share.
C Ya There,
Muddy Shoes