Tuesday Trails @ Redland M.S. and Outta the Way Cafe!
Check it out, Trail Dogs.
Sunday – Hot and Humid; Monday-Hot and Humid; Tuesday(Run Day)-MILD AND LOW HUMIDITY! Couldna planned it better. Not only that but Tuesday will be the first FULL day of Fall. It’s here! It’s upon us! But wait! More Heat & Humidity pouring in for the rest of the week. That pretty much seals the deal on picking Tuesday for your run. C’mon out and pound the trails of Needwood with us. Not only all that but according to my Garmin, its an Outta the Way Cafe night after the run! Triple Whammy!

How about some details fer ya!
Headlamp: YES!
Location: Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Rd, Derwood, MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side of school.
Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438
Time: 6:30 p.m. (warm up at 6:15)
Distance: 5 even with warm up. Can easily add more. Course: We’ll go counter-clockwise.


The Stone Mill course preview runs are coming your way every Saturday in October. Stay tuned for locations. All are welcome!

Robin’s Phantastic Phall Phat Ass Trail Half and 10k are coming on the 1st Sunday in Novemeber . Its a great taper run for Stone Millers.

Hey kids, just a reminder Robin is also hosting another PHAT event this Sunday. The 3rd ANNUAL PHAT CAT is coming this SUNDAY, 9/29. It’s an awesome chance to hang out with your trailies on some hilly, “fun” trails!! Follow the link for details: https://mymuddyshoes.org/event/3rd-annual-phat-cat/
OK, C U out there!
Cheers, Muddy Shoes