***ATTENTION, TRAIL DOGS*** Run location is moving! Tuesday Trails at Redland M.S.!!!!!!

Well, Muddy Chuggers, darkness is upon us! Time to don the headlamps and move to our Winter quarters. What? you ask! Its still Summery outside. True dat but (and its a big but!) we are not allowed to be at Needwood after dark cuz the Po-Po says No-No. And guess what, its dark when we finish our runs now. And it will get darker! We lose 21 minutes of daily a week. Any-hoo. Off to another parking lot and some different trails! I spent 5 1/2 weed wacking the trails Sunday so they should be ready! Lots of tasty shrooms on these trails too!

Here are the new details:
Location: Redland Middle School 6505 Muncaster Mill Rd, Derwood, MD 20855 (Park around back on the right side of school.
Coords: 39.140424, -77.133438
Time: 6:30 p.m. (warm up at 6:15)
Distance: 5 even with warm up. Can easily add more. Course: We’ll go clockwise.

Stuff: The Stone Mill course preview runs are coming your way every Saturday in October. Stay tuned for locations. All are welcome!

Robin’s Phantastic Phall Phat Ass Trail Half and 10k are coming on the 1st Sunday in Novemeber . Its a great taper run for Stone Millers.
OK, C U out there!
Cheers, Muddy Shoes