Muddy Shoes ‘Are You My Paw-Paw’? Saturday Trail Run
Hey Muddy Foragers,
Its that Paw-Paw time of year! We’ll be heading out for a long-run and lookin’ around for some of these delicious native fruits. This is the time of year when they ripen on the trees and are ready for pickin’! Not only are the Paw-Paws ready but edible shrooms (Oyster, Wood Ear, Chicken-of-the-Woods) are all poppin out everywhere! Bring a plastic bag if you plan on harvesting. Hopefully you won’t be disappointed! Delish! Oh, yeah, thats right…we’ll be running too! On one of the nicest trails in the county. And Paw-Paw trees are plentiful on this route. Don’t miss it. Sleeping in is waaaay over-rated
Details for ya:
Where: Riley’s Lock Out and Back on the Seneca Bluffs Trail
Coords: 39.068962, -77.340841
When: Saturday 14 Sept
Time: 0730
Distance : Out and Back 14 miles but you can go shorter Why: Ummm…do I have to answer that?
***Coming Attractions*** Every weekend in October Muddy Shoes will be hosting the Stone Mill 50 Miler Course Preview Runs. Get a good look-see at the entire course in four separate runs. Good to know whats coming at ya, me thinks! Donations will be appreciated. We’ll have aid at the finish and water on the course. Everyone welcome even if you aren’t doing the race.
4th Annual Phantastic Phall Phat Ass is Sunday 3 November. Put on by Phantastic Robin. Half-Marathon and 10k options. Great taper for Stone Mill. Pot Luck grub and mingle afterwards!
OK C U Saturday,
Muddy Mushroom Shoes