Hey Muddyshoes & Stone Mill peoples!

We will host the 1st of the 4 Stone Mill training runs starting tomorrow morning, 7:30AM.  The weather has finally turned into more of a Fall feel so let’s get excited for no humidity!  We will put out some goodies, water & a sign in/ sign out sheet at the Elementary School.  There will also be water near Clopper Rd, just before you go under the bridge.

The run will take you from the school onto Stedwick Rd. for a short bit then left on Watkins Road (yeah, its pavement, but only for a short bit) over to the Seneca Greenway trailhead where you get back on dirt heading South to Clopper Lake. Go around lake and back. Distance – about 20 Miles

Where:  Stone Mill Start/Finish Area – Stedwick Elementary – 10631 Stedwick Rd, Montgomery Village, MD 20886

What: about 20 miles

Why:  You are running Stone Mill or just like to run in the fall weather!

The rest of preview runs can be found on the Stone Mill Race page here (if you want to read ahead)  https://stone-mill-50-mile.org/course-training-runs/

*** Mark your calendars! The Muddy Shoes Phantastic Phall Phat Ass will be Sunday 11 November (Veterans Day!). There will be a Half Marathon and 10K option. Great after party too! This also is a great taper run for the Stone Mill 50 Miler the following weekend. Race Director Robin Sheperd puts on a great event.
*** Check out our Muddy Shoes merch! We got Hats ($15), Buffs ($10) and magnets/stickers ($1). They are going fast! Get yours from Robin (Hats), Phil (Hats, Buffs, Magnets/stickers) or Mike Chau (Buffs and magnets/stickers ($1). ). US Dollars only!
OK C U there!
Muddy Shoes