Is everyone ready for a run that doesn’t sting your face when you run?  The forecast is about 37 degrees w/ very little winds & clear skies.  Quite the change from the past 2 weeks.  I read that yesterday was the first day above 35 since Christmas.

So with all of the feel goods about a bit warmer air let’s go running!
Address: Redland Middle School, 6505 Muncaster Mill Road, Derwood, MD 20855 (Park around back on right side of school)
Coordinates: 39.140327, -77.131554
Time: 6:30 (6:15 warm up)
Course: Redland Trail (upper and lower) Clock wise (upper trail first)
Distance with warm-up ~5 miles
See you all out there!
Mr. MuddyShoes jr